Significant Savings for Your Practice

If your Provider Stop Loss is part of your Health Plan PMPM cost, you may be paying too much! We’ve found that most medical groups aren’t aware that they can carve out this coverage at significant savings to the practice. Click below for more information on how we can help reduce your costs.

  • Up to 40% savings over allocated payer cost
  • Your risk individually underwritten
  • Terms tailor made for your practice

Is This For You?

Provider Stop-Loss insurance (also known as provider excess insurance) is designed to protect providers like you from the effects of catastrophic medical claims that exceed pre-determined levels of coverage agreed upon between you and the insurance carrier. Stop loss picks up the tab when a claim exceeds a pre-determined amount. Essentially, this coverage allows you to pass excess risk to your insurer and protect your practice from unpredictable financial hardship.

Provider Stop Loss for PSMA members is designed for physician groups, to eliminate catastrophic claim volatility and protect your balance sheet.

Here are four reasons your practice shouldn’t go without Provider Stop Loss:

  1. Cost - We have found up top 40% savings to the bottom line of a medical practice when this coverage is purchased separately, instead of being embedded into their general policy.

  2. Control – The ability this coverage gives to directly manage large (but mostly hidden) claims cost is invaluable. Depending on the size and risk agreement of your practice. Provider Stop-Loss payouts are often multiple times higher than your malpractice insurance premium.

  3. Choice – Access to all premium carriers through USI’s preferred relationships will give save you time and increase the value of your coverage, meaning your practice will have better coverage and a more competitive price.

  4. Convenience - Increased administrative efficiency by pairing your suite of at-risk policies.

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