Exclusive PSMA Member Offer

These supplemental benefit options pays cash benefits to employees when a policyholder has a covered accident or illness. Consider this: 99% of the population does not have 3+ months of expenses set aside in case life throws you a (very expensive) curve ball. This exclusive PSMA member offer provides a monthly or lump sum (cash!) payout directly to you (not to a medical provider) to cover monthly bills and expenses not covered by your medical plan. PSMA members benefit from four specific offers that can save you money and financial stress.

  • Group Accident: Supllemental protection for high deductible health plans!
  • Critical Illness: Lump sum payout for specific unpredictable illness
  • Short Term Disability: Protect your most valuable asset - YOUR ABILITY TO EARN AN INCOME
  • Life Insurance: Ensure finanicial security for your family with a lump sum payout

Is This For You?

Your livelihood and the livelihood of your practice depends on your ability to maintain patient relationships + practice revenues. An unexpected disability (statistically 20-50x more common than a car accident or even death) can disrupt both. Most people have some level of insurance, yet the majority are not adequately protected. Having the ability to cover unexpected expenses is critical in avoiding financial stress for the rising cost of medical care.

Enroll Online

By clicking the button below, you'll be redirected to one of our partner websites where you can get the enrollment process started.